Commemorative 30th consecutive release "polite living". At the same time as the corona wreck, he started his artist activities, and "STRESS", which expresses his uncomfortable feelings, was a big hit mainly on SNS. This time, the theme is the trend “#polite living”, which has more than 10 million posts on SNS. "It may be gone tomorrow, it may be the last conversation, I wish I could live more carefully and carefully from now on." Heap it up. Kentaro Ito and Kaede Hanzawa also appeared in the music video, which was completed as a short film. A work that permeates the spring of encounters and partings.
Kool &The Gang のオリジナルメンバー、ジョージ・ブラウンを父に持つシンガーソングライター。gbは本名、Gregory Brownのイニシャル。日本育ちのアメリカ人ならではの日本語と英語のリズムとメロディーの掛け合わせが独特なPOP感を放つ。Tik Tokで「 STRESS」が大ヒットし「丁寧な暮らし」では、俳優の伊藤健太郎がMV出演して大きな話題を呼んだ。サプリメントのようにハートウォーミングなメッセージ、オーガニックかつグルーヴィーなサウンドがZ世代を中心に幅広い世代から支持されている。