This is the latest release, released about a year after the "12 months of consecutive releases" came to fruition. It is a song that playfully harmonizes electronic mechanical sounds with acoustic tones. It is a genre-less, experimental instrumental number born from the first collaboration with sound engineer Kichizyo!
Daiki Iwakiri
Daiki Iwakiri
"Colorful music that shows a glimpse of the 60's that he encountered in New York" He moved to the US with a passion for Jazz/Soul/Blues/World Music. He performed with local musicians at New York State University and established a performance style that modernized roots music. He began his career as a musician with his work at a music Label (Record/Live/Lesson/Radio) and has achieved "12 consecutive months of releases" in which he has been involved in All from composing/recording/mixing/mastering/artwork. He is a chameleon musician who colors any genre with vocals/guitar/bass/hammond/piano, etc.