Sankara, a duo consisting of rapper Toss and singer Ryo, released ``HIDE AND SEEK'' and ``hide and seek'' on Wednesday, September 30th. “HIDE AND SEEK” was created by Newly, a new-generation beat maker who is currently a hot topic, and has a finish that takes advantage of the characteristics of sankara.The song is a chill-out and sweet sound that is tailored to the situation of the listener, and the words woven by the two. Together, it is a song that gently colors the scenery of everyday life. Following the 2nd EP "SOP UP", the artwork features SUGI, a drawing artist who is leading the next generation art scene, and the artwork is also entertaining.
A duo of rapper Toss and singer Ryo. Both of them spent their childhood Besides Japan and have roots in hip-hop/R&B in the 90's, but also tracks that capture the domestic scene such as "city pop" and "chill out" from the 10's, and English and Japanese. The lyric/flow that seamlessly comes and goes is a hot topic. In 2020, the EP "SOP UP" ranked first on the Shibuya Tower Records hip-hop chart in March, and the music video for the Single "Elevator" starring Rio Uchida recorded over 130,000 views. He is also active in collaborating with various artists.