For Tracy Hydeの夏botこと管梓がシンセ・アレンジで参加し話題を呼んだデビューEP「re:lapse.ep」から半年振り、待望となる2nd EPが登場! 本作は、彼らが得意とするメランコリックな音像や侘び寂び感を踏襲しつつも、ブレス・イントロで始まる冒頭曲「wagon」で聴けるようなドリーム・ポップを披露する等、サウンドの広がりもみせる意欲作。 他にも、初期ジザメリを彷彿とさせる「timeless melody」、ヴェルヴェット・アンダーグラウンドのドラッギーな音像を現代にアップデートした「tonight,tonight,tonight」など聴き応えのある内容となっている。
re:lapse was formed in 2019 and is active mainly in Tokyo's dream pop shoegaze scene. Its greatest features are the pale and ephemeral male and female vocals and melody, and the shoegaze guitar that is distorted to its limit yet comfortably floating, and the way they intertwine in a melancholy slumber is truly a masterpiece. The sound production is not only full of roaring sounds and feedback noise, but also has a sense of ambient floating feeling and cinematic sound images, and is reminiscent of the world of Slowdive's works, My Bloody Valentine's "All I Need" and "sometimes", etc. You can enjoy the emotional feeling that expresses the world with the unique Japanese style of wabi-sabi.