This work, which was born from a studio session, is a jazzy song that is unique to sessions that set it apart from the "THREE 1989 sound" that has been created so far. Featuring Taiwanese artist "LINION" for the feature, the song is accented by an emotional bass and a sweet singing voice. This work, reminiscent of modern soul, expresses the differences in images and cultures felt in each other's Country.
THREE 1989
THREE 1989
西暦1989年生まれの3人で構成されたグループ。 70年代, 80年代, 90年代のサウンドを取り入れ、ダンスミュージックを織り交ぜた、現代的かつ懐かしさを感じる楽曲が特徴。 3人それぞれが作詞・作曲をし、Shohey(Vo)の圧倒的な歌唱力と美声、Datch(DJ)がスクラッチとサンプラーを多用したプレイスタイル、Shimo(Key)の様々な楽器を使いこなす高い演奏能力でライブパフォーマンスを行う