This is the new Album by Nagasu Yoshika, Japan's only female biwa and shakuhachi player. Six of the eight songs, including the bonus track, are instrumentals that mainly feature the biwa and shakuhachi, but you can also enjoy her talent as a singer in "Ao no Kaze" and "Mikazuki." She wrote all the songs herself, and it is a masterpiece that pushes Japanese instruments forward with a new interpretation. There are growing calls for a solo live performance. She is also a member of the Japanese instrument unit "Rin'", which was highly acclaimed around the world, and has resumed activities, which are also highly anticipated. She is also busy with many other support activities and school activities related to Japanese instruments, but there is no doubt that this work will serve as a guide for her musicality as she continues her solo activities.
琴古流尺八・薩摩琵琶奏者。小学4年生より尺八と琵琶を始める。東京藝術大学音楽学部邦楽科尺八専攻卒業。第9回長谷検校記念全国邦楽コンクール最優秀賞・文部科学大臣奨励賞を琵琶奏者として初受賞。女性尺八奏者初のメジャーデビュー(avex)を果たし、和楽器ユニットRin’のメンバーとして第19回日本ゴールドディスク大賞ニュー•アーティスト•オブ•ザ•イヤー受賞。新作歌舞伎「刀剣乱舞 月刀剣縁桐」では、琵琶の弾き語りで大薩摩を務め話題となる。竹号は佳盟(けいめい)。那珂ふるさと大使。ソロ活動の他、様々なアーティストのサポートも行う。稀にみる尺八・琵琶奏者として、国内外で注目を集めている。