デビューシングル"TRA"にも見られた、90'sムード満載のRapサンプリングを使用したKZMT節全開のセカンドシングル。 今ヨーロッパを中心にシーンを牽引しているTech House〜Deep Techサウンドに仕上がっており、タイトルのPleasureにはダンスフロアでダンスミュージックを体感する喜びや、1日でも早いシーンの回復を望むという意味が込められた作品になっている。
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In 2014, he competed in the world championship as the Japanese champion at the BURNRESIDENCY hosted by Coca-Cola. He was selected as one of the six finalists out of a total of 6,000 participants and spent about four months in Ibiza, playing for big clubs in Ibiza such as Privillage, Cafe Mambo and Ushuaia. After returning Country, she performed at clubs and festivals outside Japan centering on "Good House Msic." He is currently participating as a resident DJ of EDGE HOUSE, which is held regularly on the first Friday of the month at Shibuya SoundMuseumVision.