"GOMESS & Yackle" by the literary freestyle rapper "GOMESS" who lives with autism and the track maker / DJ "Yackle" born in 2000, and the vocalist "THE ORAL CIGARETTES" from Nara prefecture, Takuya Yamanaka. Released the 6th single "NEHAN- (feat. Takuya Yamanaka from THE ORAL CIGARETTES & nerdwitchkomugichan)" featuring "nerdwitchkomugichan", the track maker of "Age Factory" base "Naoto Nishiguchi".
00motion Records
00motion Records
"GOMESS & Yackle" is a collaboration between the literary freestyle rapper "GOMESS" who lives with autism and the 2000-born track maker / DJ "Yackle". Single / Music Video that invited Mei Imo Nyorai, Utae, and Watashi Kobayashi as guest performers for three consecutive months, and received high praise from many artists and attracted a lot of attention. Released 1st EP "Originally" on November 11, 2020. It is a work like the first step packed with the wide range of musicality of the two people, and expectations are high for future activities.