Die Milchの5年ぶりのリリースは、限界に挑戦し、Will独特の美しく伸びやかな音色を活かした超絶技巧の集大成です。Willのバイオリン、そしてCocoのピアノが織りなす、聴く度に新たな発見がある逸曲となっています。
Asteroid Creative
Asteroid Creative
Di Milhi who completely fuses the gothic & lolita's aesthetic world with music and fashion. Based on medieval baroque music, Classic, Rock and Electronica mixed sounds were introduced as "Medieval Pop" in a certain article in the UK. "Dolls" that flapping to the world with dynamic performance that can hardly be imagined from the cute cuteness of appearance. Lyric composition, starting from 2012 as a unit including violin and performance centering on Coco of piano vocal.