mouse on the keys
9曲 / 2023.08
- Pointillism01
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism02
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism03
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism04
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism05
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism06
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism07
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism08
- mouse on the keys
- Pointillism09
- mouse on the keys
※ 試聴時間が45秒間の場合がございます。ご了承ください。
This piece, Pointillism is a composition originally inspired by mouse on the keys' performance at the Matsumoto Architecture Art Festival held in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan in February 2023. 2023年2月開催マツモト建築芸術祭での公開制作とライブパフォーマンスの音源を再構築した全9曲を収録。