キャリア60年にして映画初主演となる平泉成が「Aぇ! group」の佐野晶哉と共演する映画「明日を綴る写真館」(6月7日公開、秋山純監督)の主題歌。メインキャラクターとして出演するSAKIが撮影進行の最中、詞のイメージが湧き監督に打ち出したところ、 イメージ通りと認められ主題歌を担当することとなった。SAKIは十代の頃からギターを軸とした音楽活動を行うシンガーソングライターで今回が初リリースとなる。タイトルの「瞬(読み:またたき)」の通り、瞬間を生きることの大切さを噛み締めるように歌うSAKIの柔らかな歌声が大きな感動を誘う。プロデュースは新鋭のクリエイターユニット"LUCA"。
Born April 17, 2000, in Hokkaido. A singer-songwriter who has been active in music since her teens, focusing on playing the guitar. A graduate of Country Department of Visual Arts, she is multi-talented in painting, illustration, and web design. Aside from being an artist, she is also actively working as an actor. She won the audition for the movie "Urban Crow" (directed by Ichiro Hashimoto), which will be released in 2023, and landed the role of the heroine, captivating the audience with her presence that was hard to believe it was her first appearance. In the movie "Photo Studio of Tomorrow," which will be released on June 7, 2024, she plays an important role in the story, and is in charge of the theme song, releasing her first song, "Shun."