新進気鋭J-POPシンガー本山 さくら(モトヤマ サクラ)の9thとなるニューシングル。どこか不快で何故か心地よいメロディーと共に広がる感情の渦を、昭和歌謡を彷彿とさせる独特のハスキーボイスで歌い上げたダーク歌謡「無声心-museikokoro-」をリリース。脆くて儚く、そして優しい、まっすぐな悲しみと歪んだ愛情のコントラスト。 prod.SEANN BOWE
Started gospel at a young age, and began vocal training in earnest at the age of seven. In 2015, she went to New York alone to study culture expressed through music and art. Currently, he is devoted to music production and pursues further self-expression through activities that make use of his expressive power in addition to singing. On New Year's Day 2020, he will also be releasing his first EP.