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RecMusic is a Streaming Service of "All you can listen to music + All you can watch music video (MV)" provided by Reko Chok.
We offer over 1,500 carefully selected playlists composed of artist playlists and theme playlists.
Is a UIUX give a straightforward sense of security, and reach to the user that there is music viewing habits in the active and daily life for the music Service is.
Available on smartphones (iOS / Android) and PCs.
Distribution area
Delivery format Streaming
Closing date / payment date End of the month / two consecutive months
Reservation sale impossible
Music file format MP4 / 128 Kbps or 320 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Preview 45 seconds
Sales ( Basic Plan ) Japan: Excluding distribution fee BIG UP! Receipt amount (consumption tax included) × 100%
Sales (free plan) Japan: Excluding distribution fee BIG UP! Receipt amount (consumption tax included) × 70%