Store list

YouTube Music

Google Inc.
YouTube Music is a Streaming Service provided by YouTube. When using premium music Service , background playback, music without advertisement, sound only mode etc. are available. As a member of YouTube Music Premium, you can use music without advertisement, background playback, audio only mode, offline playback and more.
Distribution area
Besides Japan
Delivery format Streaming
Closing date / payment date At the end of the month / at the end of the next month
Reservation sale -
Music file format -
Preview -
Sales ( Basic Plan ) Japan: Excluding distribution fee BIG UP! Receipt amount (consumption tax included) × 100%
Besides Japan : BIG UP! 100% of the received amount (consumption tax included)
Sales (free plan) Japan: Excluding distribution fee BIG UP! Receipt amount (consumption tax included) × 70%
Besides Japan : BIG UP! 70% of receipt amount (consumption tax included)