Kouichi Arakawa, who is attracting attention from all over the world for his collaboration with Shota Shimizu and the Japanese version finalist of the world's No. 1 music audition program "THE VOICE," will release "HONEST" on September 20, 2023. ``HONEST'' has a ``cool and stylish'' sound, and the lyrics express a ``love through a screen'' that seems to be lost between reality and fiction, and is a song that only Kouichi Arakawa can bring out. In October, he released his 2nd EP “ROY”. It also includes songs featuring rapper ``18scott'' and singer-songwriter ``mii.''
Office S.K.
Office S.K.
He won the song collaboration with Shota Shimizu and the song "Lazy feat. ASOBOiSM, Kouichi Arakawa" was included in Album "HOPE". He also attracted attention by appearing on the Japanese version of the popular music audition program "The Voice", which is broadcast in 180 Country around the world and has won four Emmy Awards, an award given to outstanding program achievements. In addition, he is active as the "Arakawa family", known as "the modern-day Jackson 5" because each of his five siblings and father is the main vocalist.