The lyrics of courage to gently push the back are very popular among generation Z. Things were progressing smoothly, but things didn't go well, and things didn't pay off for some reason even though I was working hard. The "wall" of such a life. He sings that any "wall" can be "somehow" and that's what "life" is. A message that gently snuggles up with a funky beat that pierces the heart. . It's a liberation song that removes all "walls" from life. A cheering song that I want you to listen to now when you are alone.
Kool &The Gang のオリジナルメンバー、ジョージ・ブラウンを父に持つシンガーソングライター。gbは本名、Gregory Brownのイニシャル。日本育ちのアメリカ人ならではの日本語と英語のリズムとメロディーの掛け合わせが独特なPOP感を放つ。Tik Tokで「 STRESS」が大ヒットし「丁寧な暮らし」では、俳優の伊藤健太郎がMV出演して大きな話題を呼んだ。サプリメントのようにハートウォーミングなメッセージ、オーガニックかつグルーヴィーなサウンドがZ世代を中心に幅広い世代から支持されている。